Warning: Undefined array key "session_language" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/begin.php on line 27 Warning: Undefined array key "session_charset" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/begin.php on line 28 Warning: Undefined array key "tnglang_customers0c8lofsdalnethttpdwww" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/getlang.php on line 13 Warning: Undefined variable $lang in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/getlang.php on line 19 Warning: Undefined variable $nologin in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/tng_begin.php on line 14 Warning: Undefined array key "currentuser" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/checklogin.php on line 4 Warning: Undefined array key "currentuserdesc" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/checklogin.php on line 5 Warning: Undefined variable $branch in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 23 Warning: Undefined variable $lnqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 24 Warning: Undefined variable $mylastname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 25 Warning: Undefined variable $fnqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 28 Warning: Undefined variable $idqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 32 Warning: Undefined variable $mypersonid in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 33 Warning: Undefined variable $bpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 36 Warning: Undefined variable $mybirthplace in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 37 Warning: Undefined variable $byqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 40 Warning: Undefined variable $mybirthyear in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 41 Warning: Undefined variable $cpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 44 Warning: Undefined variable $myaltbirthplace in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 45 Warning: Undefined variable $cyqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 48 Warning: Undefined variable $myaltbirthyear in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 49 Warning: Undefined variable $dpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 52 Warning: Undefined variable $mydeathplace in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 53 Warning: Undefined variable $dyqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 56 Warning: Undefined variable $mydeathyear in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 57 Warning: Undefined variable $brpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 60 Warning: Undefined variable $myburialplace in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 61 Warning: Undefined variable $bryqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 64 Warning: Undefined variable $myburialyear in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 65 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 69 Warning: Undefined variable $mygender in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 70 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 72 Warning: Undefined variable $mysplname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 73 Warning: Undefined variable $spqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 76 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 82 Warning: Undefined variable $tngprint in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 101 Warning: Undefined variable $tngprint in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 111 Warning: Undefined variable $tngprint in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 119 Warning: Undefined variable $lnqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 160 Warning: Undefined variable $lnqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 160 Warning: Undefined variable $fnqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 171 Warning: Undefined variable $spqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 174 Warning: Undefined variable $spqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 174 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 182 Warning: Undefined variable $tqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 182 Warning: Undefined variable $tqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 182 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 185 Warning: Undefined variable $pfqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 185 Warning: Undefined variable $pfqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 185 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 188 Warning: Undefined variable $sfqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 188 Warning: Undefined variable $sfqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 188 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 191 Warning: Undefined variable $nnqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 191 Warning: Undefined variable $nnqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 191 Warning: Undefined variable $bpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 194 Warning: Undefined variable $bpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 194 Warning: Undefined variable $byqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 197 Warning: Undefined variable $byqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 197 Warning: Undefined variable $cpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 200 Warning: Undefined variable $cpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 200 Warning: Undefined variable $cyqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 203 Warning: Undefined variable $cyqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 203 Warning: Undefined variable $dpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 206 Warning: Undefined variable $dpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 206 Warning: Undefined variable $dyqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 209 Warning: Undefined variable $dyqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 209 Warning: Undefined variable $brpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 212 Warning: Undefined variable $brpqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 212 Warning: Undefined variable $bryqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 215 Warning: Undefined variable $bryqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 215 Warning: Undefined variable $mygender in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 218 Warning: Undefined variable $branch in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 244 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined variable $ecount in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined variable $spqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 300 Warning: Undefined variable $spqualify in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 300 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 314 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/begin.php:27) in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/genlib.php on line 62 Søkeresultat: Min digitale verden

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Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 379 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 379 Warning: Undefined variable $curpage in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 567 Warning: Undefined array key "firstpage" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 571 Warning: Undefined variable $pagenav in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 579 Warning: Undefined array key "lastpage" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 573

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Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 419 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 420 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 421 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 422 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 429 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 433 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in 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Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 Warning: Undefined variable $mynickname in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 536 Warning: Undefined variable $showdeath in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 540 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 543 Warning: Undefined variable $showspouse in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 509 Warning: Undefined variable $myprefix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 533 Warning: Undefined variable $mysuffix in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 534 Warning: Undefined variable $mytitle in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/search.php on line 535 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 #  Etternavn, Fornavn    Person ID  Født/Døpt    Lokasjon 
Karlsen, Marie Olava
I957  f. 26 Jan 1902 Husmo Søndre, Nes, Akershus  
Karlsen, Marit Hansine
Kaspersdatter, Rakel Marie
I1008  f. 4 Nov 1907 Rakeie Søndre, Runni Skog, Nes, Akershus  
Kaspersen, Dagny Marie
I11294  f. 31 Okt 1901 Myren, Aurskog, Akershus  
Kjelstad, Ingeborg Maria Olsdatter
I14171  f. 26 Feb 1790 Kjelstad vestre, Lier, Buskerud  
Klausen, Marie Kristine
I17192  f. 31 Mar 1921 Eidsfoss, Hof, Vestfold  
Klemetsdatter, Elise Marie
I8512  f. 10 Okt 1842 Lersbryggen, Sande, Vestfold  
Kløvstad, Maria Nilsdatter
I5948  f. 1794  
Knudsdatter, Mari
I10874  f. 1673 Aker, Akershus  
Knudsdatter, Marie
I15074  f. 1807 Gloppen, Sogn og Fjordane  
Knudsdatter, Marie
I9631  f. 1812 Hole, Buskerud  
Knudsdatter, Marit
Knudsen, Elise Marie
I17212  f. 1851  
Knutsdatter, Karen Marie
I2343  f. 25 Okt 1889 Kapstad, Eidskog, Hedmark  
Knutsen, Ole Marius
I2340  f. 17 Apr 1885 Kapstad, Eidskog, Hedmark  
Knøsen, Mari Knudsdatter
Kolbjørnsen, Katrine Marie
I8506  f. 15 Jul 1907 Sjøl, Sande, Vestfold  
Konradsdatter, Karen Marie
I7289  f. 2 Des 1883 Holmen Søndre, Skoger, Vestfold  
Konradsdatter, Klara Maria
I12066  f. 12 Feb 1890 Horn, Fon, Ramnes, Vestfold  
Korsgården, Inger Marie
Korsmo, Ester Marie
Krabbe, Alfhild Zenta Marie
I17570  f. 17 Des 1876 Kirkegaten 34, Oslo  
Kristensdatter, Karen Marie
I7779  f. 25 Mai 1810 Unnelsrud Søndre, Skoger, Vestfold  
Kristensdatter, Kristine Marie
I7109  f. 1823 Ingvaldsåsen, Skoger, Vestfold  
Kristensdatter, Mari
I7692  f. 1741  
Kristensdatter, Mari (Maren)
I5497  f. 1769  
Kristensdatter, Marie
Kristensdatter, Marie
I14698  f. 4 Apr 1906 Aurskog, Akershus  
Kristensdatter, Marthe Marie
I7351  f. Trogstad, Sande, Vestfold  
Kristensdatter, Oline Marie
I7130  f. 1786 Dæle, Ingvaldsaasen, Skoger, Vestfold  
Kristiansdatter, Ellen Marie
Kristiansdatter, Karen Marie
I8525  f. 1884 Berg Ytre, Sande, Vestfold  
Kristiansdatter, Oddbjørg Marie
I5017  f. 15 Des 1894 Tuft, Sandsvær, Buskerud  
Kristiansdatter Brua, Jenny Marie
I13274  f. 14 Mar 1894 Korpemoen, Kongsberg, Buskerud  
Kristiansen, Søvrine Marie
I10076  f. 28 Feb 1864 Stavanger, Rogaland  
Kristoffersdatter, Bolette Marie
I7665  f. 4 Okt 1868 Borge Østre, Skoger, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Ellen Marie
I7443  f. 1786  
Kristoffersdatter, Henriette Marie
I18033  f. 9 Jun 1879 Herøy, Møre og Romsdal  
Kristoffersdatter, Idde Marie
I7177  f. 1800 Viulsrud, Skoger, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Johanne Maria
I5082  f. 1807 Nes Søndre, Hof, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Johanne Marie
I392  f. 1839 Kronlia, Hillestad, Botne, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Julie Marie
I7895  f. 24 Jul 1847 Vestby, Skoger, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Kristine Marie
I7831  f. 5 Jul 1826 Bakke, Skoger, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Kristine Marie
I645  f. 16 Okt 1909 Hof Prestegård, Hof, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Mari
I3347  f. 1601 Fon, Ramnes, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Mari
I16916  f. 1677 Åklangberget, Eidskog, Hedmark  
Kristoffersdatter, Mari
I7251  f. 1764 Galleberg, Sande, Vestfold  
Kristoffersdatter, Marie
Kristoffersdatter, Marina
I3220  f. 1561  
Kukkoinen, Marit Kristoffersdatter

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