Warning: Undefined variable $nologin in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/tng_begin.php on line 14 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/tng_begin.php:14) in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/genlib.php on line 62 Haugestad, Klemet Wilhelmsen: Min digitale verden

Vår familiehistorie

fra inn- og utland

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Warning: Undefined variable $sign1 in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 890 Warning: Undefined variable $sign1 in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 890 Warning: Undefined variable $sign1 in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 893 Warning: Undefined variable $sign2 in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 893 Warning: Undefined variable $sign1 in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 896 Warning: Undefined variable $sign2 in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 897 Warning: Undefined variable $sign in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 901 Warning: Undefined array key "webmatches" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/genlib.php on line 392

Haugestad, Klemet Wilhelmsen

Mann 1801 - 1841  (40 år)

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Generasjon: 1

  1. 1.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Haugestad, Klemet Wilhelmsen Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1801, Hof, Vestfold (sønn av Haugestad, Wilhelm Christoffer Hansen og Clemetsdatter, Johanne Kirstine); og døde 2 Okt 1841, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 277 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 279


    Herstad 7821

    Klemet giftet seg med Engstrøm, Agnete 21 Jan 1825, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 95 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 95 Agnete (datter av Engstrøm, Ole) ble født 1803, Eidsfoss, Hof, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato. [Gruppeskjema]

      Warning: Undefined variable $newlist in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 169 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. Hansen, Wilhelm Christoffer ble født 24 Nov 1825, Lardal, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
    2. Warning: Undefined variable $newlist in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 169 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    3. Hansen, Andreas Engstrøm ble født 22 Apr 1826, Lardal, Vestfold; og døde 22 Feb 1851, Strømsø, Drammen, Buskerud.
    4. Warning: Undefined variable $newlist in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 169 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    5. Hansen, Marie Margrethe ble født 17 Apr 1834, Lardal, Vestfold.

Generasjon: 2

    Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
  1. 2.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Haugestad, Wilhelm Christoffer Hansen Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1773, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 4 Mar 1773, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold (sønn av Hanssen, Hans og Akerholt, Marte Christoffersdatter); og døde 27 Mai 1822, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 1 Jun 1822, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 277 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 279 Warning: Undefined array key "CHR" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 271


    Wilhelm hadde en tid interesser i Nordre Bergan i Hillestad. Fra 1800 var han noen år eier av Delsbekk.
    I 1813 kjøpte han Søndre Fogstad og drev denne gård og Haugestad sammen noen år.
    Ødegården av Lørdal kjøpte han i 1821.
    Hans sagbruk på Haugestad er omtalt nedenfor. Haugestad ble forlikskommissær fra 1820.
    I 1815, 17 og 20 var han valgmann og i 1821 varamann til Stortinget fra Jarlsberg grev- skap.
    Sønnen Ole overtok Haugestad i 1836 for 2 500 spd.

    «b»Faddere:«/b» Maren ?? Agerholt, Else Johannesdatter, ?? Asleson Muller, ?? Plathe, ??forvalter Behn

    Warning: Undefined array key "F1102" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 268 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "both" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 292

    Wilhelm giftet seg med Clemetsdatter, Johanne Kirstine Warning: Undefined array key "marrtype" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 167 25 Okt 1795, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 Johanne (datter av Olsen, Clemet og Olsdatter, Anne Kirstine) ble født 1764, Skjervik, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 26 Des 1764, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde 25 Nov 1828, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 5 Des 1828, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold. [Gruppeskjema]

  2. 3.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Clemetsdatter, Johanne Kirstine Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1764, Skjervik, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 26 Des 1764, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold (datter av Olsen, Clemet og Olsdatter, Anne Kirstine); og døde 25 Nov 1828, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 5 Des 1828, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 277 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 279


    (Research):Se også: Sigurd H. Unneberg, Hof Bygdebok (Hof kommune, 1964), Bind 1, Første del, s. 28

    Warning: Undefined array key "F1460" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 333
      Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. Warning: Undefined array key "I4024" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Anne Kirstine Wilhelmsdatter ble født 1797, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1 Jun 1830, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold.
    2. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    3. Warning: Undefined array key "I4133" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Hans Wilhelmsen ble født 1799, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 18 Apr 1799, Hof Kirke, Hof, Hedmark; og døde , Aker, Akershus.
    4. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    5. 1. Haugestad, Klemet Wilhelmsen ble født 1801, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 2 Okt 1841, Hof, Vestfold.
    6. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    7. Warning: Undefined array key "I4135" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Hansen Haugestad, Martin ble født 1804, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 2 Feb 1870, Tangen, Sande, Vestfold; ble begravet 19 Feb 1870, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold.
    8. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    9. Warning: Undefined array key "I4136" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Wilhelmsen Haugestad, Ole ble født 1806, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 12 Okt 1806, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 5 Apr 1879, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 17 Apr 1879, Hof Kirke, Hof, Hedmark.
    10. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    11. Warning: Undefined array key "I4137" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Christoffer Wilhelmsen ble født 1809, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.

Generasjon: 3

    Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
  1. 4.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Hanssen, Hans Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 95 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 95 ble født 1731, Yggeseth, Asker, Akershus (sønn av Sootte, Hans Jørgen); og døde 1811, Fogstad Søndre, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 19 Des 1811, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 271 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 277 Warning: Undefined array key "--x-general-x--" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 279


    Kjøpte Haugestad i 1763 etter konens stefar Johannes Jahnsen Haugestad.

    I en takst i 1764 får svi disse opplysninger om gården.
    En gammel mønsåsstue hadde skorstein og 3 par vinduer, to i øst og ett i sør, 2 dører, den ene vendte til svala og den andre til kjøkkenet. Stua var tekt med 800 s gamle takstein. Takst 7 rdl. Den vestre bygning besto av bryggerhus med en gansk e , udugelig skorstein. Bygningen hadde også et lite kammers med 2 udugelige vinduer.Ovenpå var det et kammers og en gammel ram. I kammerset var det 3 dårllge vinduer; to vendte ut mot vest og ett mot nord. Muren og himlingen var også dårlig.

    I rammen fantes 2 dårlige vinduer, ett mot sør og ett mot nord. Hele bygningen ble taksert til 30 rdl. Stolpebua, som var i brukbar stand, sto på den østre kant i gården. Den var kledd med bord og tekt med teglstein. På den vestre side i gården sto en gammel melkebu og på den søndre ende var det innrettet en hestestall med loft over og tegltekt. Denne bygning var så dårlig at den ikke sto til å repareres. Takst 6 rdl. Uthusene besto av en låve med to lader, tre skuddslader og en hestestall, samt et fjøs på den søndre side. Av denne bygning kunne bare låven og ladene repareres. Taket var tegltekt. Skuddsladene, stallen og fjøset ble taksert til 7 rdl. På den øst re side av fjøset sto et gammelt saue- og svinehus. Takst 3 ort. Mellom stolpebua og sauehuset sto et brukbart vedskjul. I sørøst for låve- og ladebygningen sto en kjølne eller tørkehus, hvis mønsås var forråtnet, karmene og taket udugelig, men veggene brukelige. Vestenfor framhuset fantes en smie, taksert til 2 rdl. Ved stolpebua og smia fantes to brønner "til gårdens brukende vann, som tilforn av tømmer var satt opp og i, nå aldeles forfalne".

    Gjerdene var i 1764 for det meste satt istand av den nye eier. Ved hans ankomst .til gården fantes ingen flere dugelige enn det om stykket som lå mellom Kolstad og Haugestad.
    Åker- og englandet var i måtelig stand, "formedelst dets slette bruk i mange år". Skogen til gården var for det meste uthogd.Det fantes bare tilbake litt til reparasjoner. "Skal nye hus bygges måtte det nødvendige tømmer kjøpes fra fremmede i skoger."

    I 1768 rømte jenten Live Pedersdatter fra sin tjeneste på Haugestad. Som grunn oppga hun at hun hadde fått pryl av lensmannen, men rettet det senere til at det var noen ørefiker hun hadde fått. Live hadde forsømt å se etter en gås som lå på rede . Hun klaget ikke på maten. Ifølge forordningen av 1754 ble Live dømt til å betale 1/2 års lønn. Herav skulle husbonden ha det halve og greven resten. Dessuten skulle Live settes i gapestokken eller halsjernet på kirkebakken ved Hof kirke noen tim er «neste prekendag». Bygdevekteren skulle ordne med dette, og derfor skulle Live betale ham 24 sk. for hans «møye». Live ble pålagt å forføye seg til Hof prestegjeld for der igjen å ta tjeneste. To andre jenter hadde også tatt tjeneste hos lensma nnen, men de angret seg og leverte pengene tilbake. De ble straffet på samme måte.

    I 1772 ble lensmannen stevnet for gjeld og for ulovlig brennevinssalg. Han fikk det skussmål at han var en uvillig betaler. I 1774 hører vi at han var hovedkirkeverge og var sen med å avlegge regnskap.
    Hanssen eide også Lian i noen år. Hem eide han i tiden 1780-93. I 1783 fredlyste han vannene under Haugestad og Hem for ulovlig fiske. Plassen Tveiten under Søndre Vike kjøpte han i 1789 for 100 rdl. Tveiten fulgte deretter Haugestad til 1836.

    I 1793 solgte Hanssen gården til sønnen Wilhelm Christoffer for 2 000 rdl. Det fulgte med bl. a. fem jern kakkelovner. Hanssen flyttet til Søndre Fogstad. Ved skiftet etter Marte på Fogstad i 1810 utgjorde nettoformuen 5 1111/2 rdl., som for de t meste besto i utestående fordringer . Etter Hans ble arvesummen 36931/2 rdl. i 1812. Pengene hadde nå tapt meget i verdi.

    (Research):Se også Botne Bygdebok, 1. Bind del 2 (Botne Historielag rev. 2001), s743

    Warning: Undefined array key "F1109" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 268 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "both" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 292

    Hans giftet seg med Akerholt, Marte Christoffersdatter Warning: Undefined array key "marrtype" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 167 5 Sep 1754, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 Marte (datter av Akerholt, Christoffer Willumsen og Gretteberg, Anne Hansdatter) ble født 1737, Hostvedt Nedre, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 6 Feb 1737, Vassås Kirke, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1810, Fogstad Søndre, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 19 Apr 1810, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold. [Gruppeskjema]

  2. 5.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Akerholt, Marte Christoffersdatter Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1737, Hostvedt Nedre, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 6 Feb 1737, Vassås Kirke, Hof, Vestfold (datter av Akerholt, Christoffer Willumsen og Gretteberg, Anne Hansdatter); og døde 1810, Fogstad Søndre, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 19 Apr 1810, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "F1183" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 333 Warning: Undefined array key "MARR" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 271


    «b»Trolovere«/b»: Peder Lindsett og Christopher Rønneberg

      Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. Warning: Undefined array key "I3147" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Christopher Hansen ble født 1754, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 15 Des 1754, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1767, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 3 Des 1767, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold.
    2. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    3. Warning: Undefined array key "I2996" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Maren Hansdatter ble født 1757, Dalen, Sundby, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 15 Feb 1839, Åsmundrød, Slagen, Tønsberg, Vestfold; ble begravet 22 Feb 1839, Slagen kirke, Sem, Tønsberg, Vestfold.
    4. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    5. Warning: Undefined array key "I3148" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Elen Hansdatter ble født 1759, Gretteberg, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1788, Thorrud, Hof, Vestfold.
    6. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    7. Warning: Undefined array key "I3149" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Anne Hansdatter ble født 1761, Gretteberg, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 26 Jul 1761, Vassås Kirke, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 15 Jul 1809, Holmestrand, Vestfold.
    8. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    9. Warning: Undefined array key "I3150" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Berte Johanne Hansdatter ble født 1764, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
    10. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    11. Warning: Undefined array key "I3151" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Wilhelm Hansen ble født 1766, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1770.
    12. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    13. Warning: Undefined array key "I3152" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Kirstine Hansdatter ble født 1768, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1787.
    14. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    15. Warning: Undefined array key "I3153" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Christoffer Hansen ble født 1771, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1772, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold.
    16. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    17. 2. Haugestad, Wilhelm Christoffer Hansen ble født 1773, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 4 Mar 1773, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 27 Mai 1822, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 1 Jun 1822, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold.
    18. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    19. Warning: Undefined array key "I3155" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Hans Hanssen ble født 1775, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 10 Nov 1853, Dahl, Ski, Akershus.
    20. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    21. Warning: Undefined array key "I3156" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Haugestad, Peder Hansen ble født 1777, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 31 Mar 1832, Tangen, Strømsø, Drammen, Buskerud.

  3. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
  4. 6.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Olsen, Clemet Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1738 (sønn av Clemetsen, Ole og Jensdatter, Helene); og døde Ja, ukjent dato. Warning: Undefined array key "F2071" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 268 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "both" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 292

    Clemet giftet seg med Olsdatter, Anne Kirstine. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 Anne (datter av Trulsen, Ole D.Y. og Larsdatter, Dorthea) ble født , Bonden, Sande, Vestfold; og døde 1789. [Gruppeskjema]

  5. 7.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Olsdatter, Anne Kirstine Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født , Bonden, Sande, Vestfold (datter av Trulsen, Ole D.Y. og Larsdatter, Dorthea); og døde 1789. Warning: Undefined array key "F2922" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 333
      Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. Warning: Undefined array key "I5821" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Clemetsdatter, Åse ble født , Holm, Sande, Vestfold; og døde 1796, Åsnes Østre, Sande, Vestfold.
    2. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    3. Warning: Undefined array key "I5818" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Clemetsdatter, Helene ble født 1761, Sem, Tønsberg, Vestfold; ble døpt 22 Sep 1761, Sem kirke, Sem, Tønsberg, Vestfold; og døde Før 1 Feb 1801.
    4. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    5. 3. Clemetsdatter, Johanne Kirstine ble født 1764, Skjervik, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 26 Des 1764, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde 25 Nov 1828, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 5 Des 1828, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold.
    6. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    7. Warning: Undefined array key "I3108" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Clemetsen, Ole ble født 5 Mar 1767, Skjervik, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 11 Apr 1767, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde 7 Des 1855, Sande, Vestfold; ble begravet 28 Des 1855, Sande, Vestfold.
    8. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    9. Warning: Undefined array key "I8703" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Clemetsdatter, Olea ble født 1769, Holm, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 9 Okt 1769, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
    10. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    11. Warning: Undefined array key "I5808" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Clemetsen, Anders ble født 1772, Holm, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 8 Jun 1772, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Okt 1810, Skjervik, Sande, Vestfold; ble begravet 17 Okt 1810, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold.
    12. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    13. Warning: Undefined array key "I8242" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Klemetsdatter, Olea Birgita ble født 1774, Holm, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 17 Sep 1774, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde 1819.
    14. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    15. Warning: Undefined array key "I5817" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Clemetsen, Jørgen ble født 1777, Holm, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 15 Jun 1777, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.

Generasjon: 4

    Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
  1. 8.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Sootte, Hans Jørgen og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
      Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. 4. Hanssen, Hans ble født 1731, Yggeseth, Asker, Akershus; og døde 1811, Fogstad Søndre, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 19 Des 1811, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold.

  2. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
  3. 10.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Akerholt, Christoffer Willumsen Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1706, Åkerholt Nedre, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold (sønn av Akerholt, Willum Christoffersen og Larsdatter, Mari); og døde 1743, Gretteberg, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "F1165" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 268 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "both" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 292

    Christoffer giftet seg med Gretteberg, Anne Hansdatter Warning: Undefined array key "marrtype" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 167 1736, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 Anne (datter av Egenes, Hans Olsen og Nau, Else Andersdatter) ble født 1710, Eikenes, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1786, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold. [Gruppeskjema]

  4. 11.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Gretteberg, Anne Hansdatter Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1710, Eikenes, Hof, Vestfold (datter av Egenes, Hans Olsen og Nau, Else Andersdatter); og døde 1786, Haugestad, Hof, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "F1149" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 333
      Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. 5. Akerholt, Marte Christoffersdatter ble født 1737, Hostvedt Nedre, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; ble døpt 6 Feb 1737, Vassås Kirke, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1810, Fogstad Søndre, Hof, Vestfold; ble begravet 19 Apr 1810, Hof Kirke, Hof, Vestfold.
    2. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    3. Warning: Undefined array key "I3325" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Akerholt, Anders Christoffersen ble født 1738, Åkerholt Øvre, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
    4. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    5. Warning: Undefined array key "I3037" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Akerholt, Lars Christoffersen ble født 1740, Gretteberg, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 19 Jan 1824, Teien, Sande, Vestfold.
    6. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    7. Warning: Undefined array key "I3326" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Akerholt, Else Christoffersdatter ble født 1742, Åkerholt Nedre, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold; og døde 1742, Åkerholt Nedre, Vassås, Hof, Vestfold.

  5. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
  6. 12.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Clemetsen, Ole Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1715 (sønn av Andersen, Clemet og Olsdatter, Åse); og døde 1773. Warning: Undefined array key "F2073" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 268 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "both" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 292

    Ole giftet seg med Jensdatter, Helene. Helene og døde Ja, ukjent dato. [Gruppeskjema]

  7. 13.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Jensdatter, Helene og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
      Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. Warning: Undefined array key "I5813" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Olsdatter, Aase og døde 1811.
    2. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    3. 6. Olsen, Clemet ble født 1738; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.

  8. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
  9. 14.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Trulsen, Ole D.Y. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 ble født 1690, Bonden Nedre, Sande, Vestfold (sønn av Pedersen, Truls og Olsdatter, Berthe); og døde Ja, ukjent dato. Warning: Undefined array key "F3042" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 268 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "both" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 292

    Ole giftet seg med Larsdatter, Dorthea. Dorthea og døde 1776, Bonden, Sande, Vestfold. [Gruppeskjema]

  10. 15.   Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Larsdatter, Dorthea og døde 1776, Bonden, Sande, Vestfold.
      Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    1. Warning: Undefined array key "I8061" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Olsdatter, Berte og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
    2. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    3. 7. Olsdatter, Anne Kirstine ble født , Bonden, Sande, Vestfold; og døde 1789.
    4. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    5. Warning: Undefined array key "I8062" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Olsdatter, Gunhild og døde , Bjørnstad, Hole, Buskerud.
    6. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    7. Warning: Undefined array key "I8058" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Olsen, Truls ble født 1728; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
    8. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    9. Warning: Undefined array key "I8059" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Olsen, Peder ble født 1729; og døde 1803.
    10. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
    11. Warning: Undefined array key "I8060" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/ahnentafel.php on line 363 Olsen, Mads ble født 1732; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.

Sidene drives av The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ©, v. 12.0.3, skrevet av Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2024.

Redigert av Liv Ofsdal.

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/genlib.php on line 252