Vår familiehistorie
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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Warning: Undefined array key "webmatches" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/genlib.php on line 392Kristiansdatter, Henrikka

1. Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Kristiansdatter, Henrikka ble født 1820; og døde Ja, ukjent dato. Henrikka giftet seg med Johannessen, Halvor. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Halvor (sønn av Halvorsen, Johannes og Christoffersdatter, Gunhild Johanne) ble født 1823, Gunnestad Nordre, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato. [Gruppeskjema]
Warning: Undefined array key "I8193" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/register.php on line 170
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
- 2. Halvorsen, Carl Johan
ble født 25 Mai 1857, Gunnestad Nordre, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 5 Jul 1857, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
Warning: Undefined array key "I8194" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/register.php on line 170
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
- 3. Halvorsdatter, Hanna Mathilde
ble født 1859, Gunnestad Nordre, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
Warning: Undefined array key "I8195" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/register.php on line 170
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87
- 4. Halvorsen, Gustav
ble født 1864, Gunnestad Nordre, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
- 2. Halvorsen, Carl Johan
Generasjon: 2
2. Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Halvorsen, Carl Johan (1.Henrikka1) ble født 25 Mai 1857, Gunnestad Nordre, Sande, Vestfold; ble døpt 5 Jul 1857, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
Carl giftet seg med Olsdatter, Margit 29 Mar 1883, Sande Kirke, Sande, Vestfold. Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 84 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 85 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 100 Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/reglib.php on line 101 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 87 Margit (datter av Olsen, Ole og Syvertsrudpladsen, Ingeborg) ble født 10 Apr 1858, Syverudplads, Nes, Buskerud; ble døpt 30 Mai 1858, Nes Kirke, Nes, Buskerud; og døde Ja, ukjent dato. [Gruppeskjema]
3. Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Halvorsdatter, Hanna Mathilde (1.Henrikka1) ble født 1859, Gunnestad Nordre, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.
4. Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/0/c/8/lofsdal.net/httpd.www/globallib.php on line 926 Halvorsen, Gustav (1.Henrikka1) ble født 1864, Gunnestad Nordre, Sande, Vestfold; og døde Ja, ukjent dato.